Get Back to Fitness Consistently And Maintain It With Ease 

This 8-Week Kettlebell Workout Series is Designed to Re-establish Your Fitness in the Simplest, Least Time-Consuming Way Possible. 

Life Happened...

You used to be motivated, and consistent. Somehow, things are harder now. The time and energy you used to have for working out has magically disappeared.

To make matters worse, when you do start back up again, you really don't know how much to do (or how often) you have to exercise to really make progress again. So you end up feeling like you never do enough, and you quickly burn out.

Time and time again, you find yourself trying something new but it still leaves you with that doubt about whether it's going to work. You start for a while, and stop for a while, which keeps you in a cycle of regret and self-blame.

Because it doesn't feel enough, you devalue the efforts you do make because if it's not enough, what's the point, right?

A Solution 

(I will not claim this is THE ONLY solution, but it does work)

Let's remove ALL the stuff that doesn't matter. Let's filter our efforts through "the big picture", and instill the belief that it takes less than we're often led to believe to build and maintain strength and fitness. And these efforts do not have to be perfect, they just have to be consistent.

Less is more. Keep it super doable, like ridiculously doable, and you'll not only start looking forward to your workouts, but you'll see results because you're being consistent!

Yep, when you boil it all down, consistency is the most important goal to nurture when you're struggling to stay on track, or if you feel like what you do is never enough.

So that's what this series is designed to do. 

Benefits of This Series

  • Do your first workout today and know it's enough. Everything you need to get started is included: how to warm-up, how to correctly perform exercises, and how to modify/substitute things to suit your fitness level. Everything is laid out in an easy-to-understand way, so you can perform your first workout today.
  • Built-in motivation and convenience. Each workout comes with a view-on-demand, follow-along video. This offers encouragement and handy coaching reminders throughout. But each workout also comes with a quick-start overview video if you're not a follow-along kind of person.
  • Workouts don’t use up your valuable time and mental energy. They're designed to be completed in as little as 15 minutes. These workouts will keep you consistent, and progressing.
  • Easily track your progress: The printable workout logs show you exactly what to do, and allow you to see your progress on a weekly basis. Clear and simple.
  • Be confident that your technique is efficient and safe: Not only do you get a detailed tutorial on each exercise, along with written cues, but you can book form-checks with Marianne. This way you'll know you're doing things effectively and getting the most from the exercises.
  • Minimal equipment needed, but there's room to grow. All you need is a single Kettlebell to get started. For women, a 6kg or 8kg are good places to start, or if you've been back at training for a while, 12-16kg may be appropriate for many exercises.

Back-to-Fitness Graduate and Full Member of Equipped with Strength

Function, confidence & mental outlook 

Initially I wanted to regain the strength I had lost over 7 years of procrastination! I needed something doable, adaptable to my level and guilt-free! 

I can now squat down to get things out of low cupboards and get back up again unaided. I can carry 15kg bags of cat litter from the store to the cattery without stopping. My balance is better and I can get up and down from the floor a lot better.

Strength training has improved my function, confidence, tone and mental outlook. There are few things that give these returns for such a small investment!

Meet Your Coach

Marianne Kane, RN turned Kettlebell Expert and ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, is Owner of Equipped with Strength.

Through the last decade she has been on a mission to encourage others to persevere through their struggles and challenges by helping to keep things realistic and simple. She understands how life happens and fitness can easily be derailed. You're not lazy, and you don't have to do it all like you once did. Success is honouring where you're at NOW. 

Marianne was named in Shape's Top 10 YouTube Workout Channels as her short and effective workouts reach millions of people around the world. She founded, her personal workout blog, and Co-Founded both Girls Gone Strong and Get Glutes. She is continually learning, and always questioning trends and fads.

Ultimately, Marianne wants people like you to know that you can still make progress doing less than what you feel you "should do" or "have to". There's a minimum effective dose, and it feels pretty amazing to find it.

Marianne Kane

Owner and Head Coach

What's Included

  • 2-3 time-efficient workouts each phase, ready to get started
  • Suitable for all levels, even total beginners
  • Follow-along workout videos
  • Easy-to-use printable workout logs
  • Quick-Start overview videos
  • Exercise tutorials with regressions/modifications/substitutions
  • One-time payment, lifetime access.
30 day guarantee

Try it for 30 Days, 100% Risk-Free

Because I’m confident in my Back-to-Fitness Series, you have 30 days to put the workouts to the test. If you’re not satisfied you can get a full refund. Just send an email to before the end of the 30th day after purchase, and I'll issue a refund right away. 
