Stay Strong, Capable, and Self-Sufficient for Life with Just One Workout a Week
The key to preserving strength, energy, and independence for years to come, is by getting more from doing less
Time and Energy: Your Most Precious Resources
When you're young, you have these in abundance, but when life gets real, and we've been knocked down a few times, we begin to realize just how precious our time and energy really are.
If you're having a hard time with fitness motivation, consistency, lacking energy, or you're starting to dread working out, it might be a sign that you're trying to do more than you need.
Think about what's changed in your life, and then ask: are my fitness goals serving my real needs? And why do I want to chase these goals at all? Is there a better way?
To make matters worse, you may be comparing where you are now to your younger self. You fear that the inconsistent efforts you do make aren't enough. The less you do, the more you feel you need to do to catch up.
If you're someone who used to be fit and consistent at their workouts, you're likely feeling pretty frustrated that what used to come so easy, is now all over the place. You have motivation bursts that last maybe a few weeks, but that energy soon dwindles and you run out of steam.
When you used to work out 3, 4, or more times per week, you were in much better shape. Now your body is softer or bigger than you'd like, and you're lucky if you can manage 1 or 2 workouts. Even though you have the desire to get back to training like you used to, you lack the time, energy and consistency to do what it takes.
You want to end this starting and stopping, all or nothing, cycle for good.... but nothing has worked.
If this continues you're going to continue to spin your wheels, or you might give up all together.
It's Not Zero-Sum
Just because you can't "do it all" just like you think you "should", doesn't mean you can't still make progress.
The fitness world will make you believe the only result worth chasing is 100%, and it requires 110% to get there.
But I know a little secret... you can get 80% of the result with 20% of the effort. Focusing only on the things that matter.
In fact, if you went back in time and told your younger self to train a little less, you'd have found there was a minimum effective dose that still got you the same results.
Back then, though, time and energy weren't big struggles, so it was easy to ride the wave of having it all. These days, wisdom and experience is on your side, and you realize that you're investing in the future. Therefore, the inputs (or deposits) must be, above all, sustainable.
That's why I created Equipped with Strength's "Less is Best" Workout Community that allows you to engineer your success with just one workout a week.
Doing Less is Smarter
We don't buy into the notion that more is better for every season of life. And we don't buy into the "all or nothing" mentality of the fitness world. It's not a failure to do less. It's actually smarter.
You aren't doing it wrong by doing less! In fact, you're perfectly positioned to find that it serves your body and quality of life more by not running yourself into the ground trying to do more than you actually need.
Never mind the fact that most of us just don't have the bandwidth to keep trying to do things the old way (thank God it's not necessary to keep trying to do more of the old way).
Whatever challenges you're facing now, the answer is the same: achievable, bite sized actions that are clear and easy to follow, and that give you the peace that you're doing enough for this season of life. You don't deserve to feel bad because you fell short of what you used to do, especially when less is smarter, and better.
Life changes, and fitness needs to work FOR you, not the other way around.
We'd love to invite you to join our compassionate, persevering community to experience a combination of fitness and renewed enjoyment of the journey that is totally different from the usual, self-torturing, superficial fitness program.
While results are important, they aren't what matter most to us. Your consistent efforts - no matter how small - matter most, because that's sustainable.
What Fellow "Less is Best" Converts Are Saying
When I started a full-time PhD program, my gym availability dwindled from 6 workouts to 4, then even further... sometimes only getting in 1 or 2 workouts per week. When looked at my training logs, I realized that somehow, I was still managing to get stronger, even though I wasn’t working out as often. I’m now in my 4th year and I'm the strongest I’ve ever been in some of my lifts. I also feel great and am not nearly as beaten down physically and psychologically as I was when I trained all the time. I think this goes to show that maintenance doesn’t take a huge time commitment. And also, a consistent little bit is way better than nothing at all.

Travis Pollen
Personal Trainer
I was constantly getting myself stressed to the hilt about not making my 3-4 workouts a week, especially since getting a new job that required longer commutes. So now I aim for one main workout a week, and maybe a small workout during the week. Since I've been doing that, it's been much better. As long as I get my one workout in, somehow then not all is lost.

Barbara Kane
Finance Manager
Could This Be Your New Fitness Family?
Here's why we think you'll love Equipped for Strength
Smart Workouts
There's already too much pressure out there to do this, don't do that, do more, go harder, faster. There's too much noise and too much to do. You won't have that feeling here. We obsess about getting you wins. In fact, our whole approach is focused on engineering your success. First step: workouts you'll do.
Time & Energy Conscious
This might be a bold claim, but we give you just enough to get you consistent again. We design your workouts, and give you super time-saving ways to do them. Because they are workouts you'll be able to do, you'll naturally feel successful, and with that, we're sure your fitness mojo will come bounding back.
Peace of Mind
You need to know that what you are doing, even if it's less than what you want to do, is enough. You need peace of mind that, even though you can't see the results yet, the effort you putting in, is valuable. We believe even the smallest effort is valuable, because otherwise we live in a constant state of failure.
Our Simple Solution
Back in July 2019, we ran a 30-Day Challenge for our free Facebook group that was a raging success! The challenge was to do a MINIMUM of one workout a week, and enjoy succeeding at that, or EASILY exceeding it. What a boost!
Now we biggie size that challenge inside Equipped with Strength, by approaching every workout with two attitudes:
1. Less is Best
2. Effort > Outcome
You see, another problem in the fitness world is we're conditioned to measure success purely on outcome (results), which are hard to control. What we can control and even enjoy, is our own efforts.
We make it almost impossible to fail because you can easily achieve or exceed your minimum goal of one workout a week, and value every effort you made along the way. Because who has the time or energy to stress about whether something was enough, when something is always better than doing nothing, even if it was less "perfect" than we hoped.
How It Works
One Workout Per Week
We want to simplify your life by giving you a clear, stress-free path to success. To eliminate the pressure to do more, we give you one main workout each week, directions on how to do it, and a Plan B for how to do it if/when life happens. You have one, MINIMAL weekly goal: do that workout once. Can you do more? Absolutely, there are over 60 workouts inside, and many members choose 2 or 3 to do each week, but if you struggle with motivation, consistency, energy level, then pacing yourself will maximize success and sustainability.
One Workout, Three Modes
Are you someone who prefers a written plan? Or someone who refers to follow along on video? Well, we have everyone covered! We deliver your weekly workout 3 ways: Quick-start video (90 second overview) , follow-along video (complete with warm-up and cool-down), and written breakdown with PDF training log. With one special LIVE class each month to boost your motivation.
Built-In Modulation
Few weeks or months are identical, and neither should your workout plan. Being flexible in your approach increases sustainability, because you can adapt. It's normal and expected that you'll have ebbs and flows with training, and we want you to become more confident in modulating it accordingly... without guilt if you need to do less! We guide you through some ways to increase or decrease workout frequency and intensity, and provide workouts of various lengths: 10, 15, 20, and 30 minute options.
Meet Your Coach
Marianne Kane, RN turned ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, is Owner of Equipped with Strength. In the last decade she has been on a mission to encourage others through struggles and challenges by sharing her own, and using small, attainable action steps to engineer success. She was named in Shape's Top 10 YouTube Workout Channels as her short and effective workouts reach millions of people around the world. She wants people like you to know that it's okay to do less than what you feel you "should do" or "have to". You don't have to do anything that isn't fitting with your life. There's a minimum effective dose, and it feels pretty amazing to find it.
Marianne Kane
What's it Like Working with Marianne?
As a 47 year old mom of 5 young kids, I had never believed it was in the cards for me to do a pull-up. But when an opportunity to work with a real coach (and a trusted one, at that!) arose, I took the chance. The goal was more just to get a structured program so that I could be sure I was getting the most from my at-home training. Well, I got all that and more. I yielded remarkable improvements in strength, I benefited from the encouragement of the community, and we constantly got motivation and mindset help from Marianne. Looking back I see that I gained a belief in myself that was never there before. A belief that I am strong – with physical gains that prove it.

Valerie Schucht
Pull-Up Academy Alumni
The thing I love about these workouts (which I didn't expect), is that less is definitely more. They're full body workouts which are well-thought-out so you never feel like you're neglecting anything.
I've met a fair few trainers and coaches over the years, and I can say hand on heart, there is no one who shares the same passion and cares for her clients as much as Marianne does. Even in a group, she understands the needs of each individual and is very intuitive in her training methods.

Yuen Li-Smith
Online Client & Pull-Up Academy Alumni
Coach Marianne has been training me for years. She took a banged up 50 yr old and made him feel younger and more confident. She is also a genuine, caring person, and a true asset to the fitness industry.

Chris Garcia
Online Client
Marianne really listens and understands the challenges we face with balancing working out and having a life. On the physical side of things she creates awesome training plans from which I have gotten stronger! On the personal side of things Marianne has helped me work through some tough areas in my life and I feel so much happier and satisfied with where I'm at. She is a truly great coach and mentor.

Chrysta Hiser
MyomyStudio Member
One Workout Plan Each Week
(4 workouts per month)
Plan A - Do the full workout at least once that week
Plan B - Do short "Wee 3" workouts
Three Modes
Videos: Train-Along, Summary, and Exercise Library
[BETA] Audio: Train along to voice cues
Printables: PDF Training Log with coaching tips & substitutions
Live Elements
[BETA] Monthly Live Class
Monthly Group Coaching Call/Q&A
Your new fitness family who get it, and they get you.
Benefits of Joining Us?
1. Train Smarter, Not Harder
The fitness industry has corrupted our perception of what is enough. For real people, doing one or two full body workouts a week is enough to make progress. But what the fake industry has taught us is this all or nothing idea. Either you go to the gym five days a week or just give up all together, because you failed. To us, this is a massive injustice because there are so many physical and mental benefits to doing a lower frequency of strength training, especially when life gets crazy, as you age, and just for gaining a sense of relief that "I'm doing enough". The approach in Equipped with Strength is centered on creating a minimum goal of doing one workout per week. Immediately, it primes you to feel more confident in your ability to do what you set out to do. Plus, you might actually find you make more progress doing less.
2. Enjoy Your Journey
If you're like most people, your fitness goals have changed over the years. Our bodies change, circumstances change, and many of us want to focus our energy on other people and things we care about. But, in a results-obsessed world, there are few paths that give you any chance of enjoying the journey, because we've all been trained to seek more by doing more. Here at Equipped with Strength, we believe the journey is of greater value than whether you reach the destination. In other words, the efforts outweigh the outcome. Results don't bring contentment, we choose contentment along the way. We're under pressure every day to prove our worth to society based on what we have, and how we appear to the outside. But it's far better to appreciate where you're at and who you are, without it hinging on "am I there yet?". The "result" most of our members seek is to exercise consistently again. We make that our focus, and we obsess about making it easy for you to do.
3. You'll Be Better Off
Feeling left behind, or like you'll never measure up sucks. Almost every single fitness product or service is offering you "get your best body", or lose weight, but they offer you a path that's not realistically sustainable. They're all based, again, on the notions that more is better, that you must keep doing that level, and if you're not doing what they say, you're missing the benefits. What happens if you have an injury? What if you're postpartum? What if you're unable to train at that frequency or intensity? Maybe you need to train at a pace that serve you better. They make it look all too easy, and they often have very black and white views about what works and what's best. But it feels like a zero-sum game. Either you do it "this exact way" or it's pointless. We have a different perspective. You need a realistic path that matches your real life, and ultimately gives your fitness and well-being to be better.
This is Marianne's exact approach with one-to-one clients. But now it's offered in a group setting...
One to One Coaching with Marianne: $249/mo
Your investment for Equipped with Strength?
$125 total for 6 months
Early Bird Bonuses!
"Step Forward" Coaching Call (Value: $75)
Early Birds get a 30 minute 1:1 "Step-Forward" Coaching Call with Marianne. This call will help you get the most from the pilot series as you strategize with Marianne to find a time slot for your workouts. This is the number 1 struggle for most people. You could also use this call to discuss how else you can work around your unique situation.
Download & Keep 6 Train-Along Workout Videos (Value: $90)
You get download and keep 1 Train-Along Workout Video each month for FREE (that's 6 in total): Marianne will be making a select few train-along videos available for members to buy for $15 each. But you'll get them for freeeeeee.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long do the workouts last?
Some workouts will be shorter than others, but we try to keep them to 30 minutes or less. Our workouts have a nice mix of strength and cardio training, and a good pace so there's no need to drag it out.
Why would I pay for something I could just do by myself?
You can absolutely continue to go it alone. The benefit of making an investment in this process, though, is it offers you a clear path to take. How easy is it to filter out what you keep seeing everywhere else. Being part of something also creates a sense of togetherness, which will ultimately boost your success.
Are workouts available straight away or is it time-released?
You will receive your workout content every Sunday. As part of the Pilot Series, we plan to begin releasing your first workout the Sunday after main registration closes (October 6th). This is to ensure all members are prepared, and we can all begin together. However, those who jump on board early will get a wee surprise in the group during main registration week!
How many workouts will I get each month?
There are 4 main workouts per month. However, we design three "Wee 3" Workouts as your Plan B option, so technically, there's more.
How long do I have access to the content?
Your membership entitles you to have access to the site (and content on the site), along with access to the community for the duration of the Pilot Series. We have options to retain access to content for longer, should you need it. You are, however, able to download and keep PDFs so you can return to workouts you enjoyed.
What does "Pilot" mean? Does that mean it's not ready?
Equipped with Strength is a total overhaul of the membership, MyomyStudio, and all the content is being upgraded. As this is the first run-through of this approach, Marianne is piloting/testing full-length and live video, and audio only workout variations. You're getting in at an exciting time, but with new things, there may be a few tech hiccups.
What fitness level are the workouts suitable for?
We mainly cater to people who have experience with weight training. But there are plenty of exercise and intensity modifications shown or suggested in the workout content, but you can get support in the community and live Q&As to help tailor your workouts to your current needs.
Are the videos full length workouts?
YES! But there are several ways to consume the workout material. Train-along videos are one; workout summary videos (lasting 60-90 seconds) so you can see what the workout looks like; full written breakdowns with pop-up exercise tutorials so you never have to leave the page, which is a major time-saver!
If it's not for me, can I cancel/get a refund?
Yes! We offer a 14 day money-back guarantee for any of our membership options. To be eligible for refund, you must contact us via email at Marianne@equippedwithstrength.com, any contact form on site, or by Facebook Direct Message before 11.59PM EST on the 14th day after you registered.
When will "Equipped with Strength" open again?
Not until March 2020. So get on board now, because when we do open again, the price will go up.
Choose a Better Way
Early Bird One-Time Payment
Single payment to participate in pilot series
14 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 14 day 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't enjoy your time at Equipped with Strength over the next 14 days, just let us know, and we'll send you a prompt refund (14 days begins from initial registration).