The Full Experience with Premium Coaching (yearly)

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Smiling women with glasses. This is our member, Sheri

Sheri Sather

Member since october 2019

I just want to be as healthy as I can for as many years as I can. I find the variety of workouts and the option to do a full workout or just a "Wee 3" great for days (or weeks) when real life interferes with my plans. Over time, I’ve become stronger and have more stamina. And I feel much better about being able to stay strong into my 60’s, 70’s and hopefully well beyond. 

Member Heidi smiling headshot

Heidi Hoffman

member since october 2019

Having the attitude of 'anything is good enough' gives me permission to workout with no pressure on how 'perfect' it might be. I feel more relaxed about my body and how I move. If I miss a few workouts  I know I can come back and pick it up again, never feeling like I am ever 'behind', which cuts out a lot of stress that comes from workout programs and the feeling that I might 'fail'. 

Coach Travis Pollen smiling to camera with double thumbs-up pose

Travis Pollen, PhD

Owner of

This approach works! When I started a full-time PhD program, my gym-going dwindled to just1 or 2 workouts per week. When looked at my training logs, I realized that somehow, I was still managing to get stronger, even though I wasn’t working out as often. I also feel great and am not nearly as beaten down physically and psychologically as I was when I trained all the time. I think this goes to show that a consistent little bit is way better than nothing at all.
